Monday, January 27, 2025

SMMC-MRCA January 2025

comment letter to Los Angeles County on the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Trails at Lyons Canyon project, Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 83301, SCH No. 2022060346, Santa Susana Mountains, unincorporated Los Angeles County.
SMMC 1-27-25 Item 12(b) Staff Report

acquisition of Poe Ranch, APNs 2826-012-014, 015, 018, 019, and 2826-015-036, in Los Angeles County and APNs 615-0-100-045, 055, 065, 075, and 085 in Ventura County, and authorizing future acceptance of said Los Angeles County parcels, Santa Susana Mountains. MRCA 1-17-25 Item VI(d) Staff Report

agreement with the Las Virgenes – Triunfo Joint Powers Authority including granting temporary and permanent encroachment permits and potential utility easements within Triunfo Canyon Park (APNs 2057-015-902 and 2059-025-907), City of Westlake Village. MRCA: 1-17-25 Item VI(e) Staff Report

acceptance of APNs 3210-014-279, 280, and 281, approximately 77 acres in Bee Canyon from the City of Santa Clarita, contingent upon funding and timing assurances, unincorporated Los Angeles County. MRCA  1-17-25 Item VII(c) Staff Report

Monday, December 23, 2024

SMMC-MRCA December 2024

End Of The Year Deals: "The Edge" to sell

(including MRCA meetings on 12/11  and 12/16, and SMMC on 12/9)

MALIBU 266 ACRES: reallocation of reserve funds towards the purchase price of Sweetwater and Primrose properties (APNs 4453-005-013, 4453-005-018, 4453-005-111, 4453-005-114, 4453-005-117, 4453-005-118, 4459-004-001, 4459-004-004, 4459-005-001, 4459-005-003, and 4459-005-013) in Malibu and unincorporated Los Angeles County. MRCA 12-11-24 Item VII(h) Staff Report
comprising approximately 266.39 acres in Malibu and unincorporated Los Angeles County. MRCA 
12-11-24 Item VII(i) Staff Report

background: https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/19/entertainment/the-edge-denied-malibu-home/index.html


EAST LA: approving the plans and specifications for the Elephant Hill Open Space Trail project, City of Los Angeles. MRCA 12-11-24 Item VII(a) Staff Report

Interstate 5 (Sierra Madre-Castaic) Wildlife Crossing Infrastructure Assessment & Implementation Plan, unincorporated Los Angeles County. MRCA  12-11-24 Item VII(d) Staff Report
12-11-24 Item VII(e) Staff Report   12-11-24 Item VII(f) Staff Report

EAST SF VALLEY: acquire the approximately 33-acre Mountain Oaks property in the Verdugo Mountains, City of Glendale. MRCA 12-11-24 Item VII(g) Staff Report

LA RIVER/BURBANK: acceptance of APN 2443-004-018 (0.165 Acre) and APN 2443-004-019 (0.741 Acre) for a combined total of 0.91 acre in Burbank. MRCA 12-11-24 Item VII(j) Staff Report

Monday, November 18, 2024

SMMC-MRCA Oct-Nov 2024

Late 2024 L.A./Ventura Mountain Land Deals


From agendas for 10/2 + 21, and 11/06, 2024


SIMI VALLEY 7.7 ACRES: comment letter to the City of Simi Valley for the proposed Simi Pak Industrial Project (CUP-S-2023-0004) in the Alamos Canyon inter-mountain range habitat linkage, Simi Valley.
SMMC 10-21-24 Item 10(d) Staff Report


SANTA CLARITA: comment letter to the County of Los Angeles on 548 acres, previously- approved 492 unit Spring Canyon Subdivision Project (Project No. 96-044-(5), Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 48086 and Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2018004166), unincorporated Los Angeles County.
SMMC 10-21-24 Item 10(e) Staff Report

SOLEDAD CANYON: comment letter to the County of Los Angeles supporting denial of appeal of Condition No. 23 for the Conditional Use Permit No. RPPL2019001251 and continued operation of Cali Lake RV Resort (Project No. 2019-000706-(5)) adjacent to the Angeles National Forest, in Soledad Canyon, unincorporated Los Angeles County.
SMMC 10-21-24 Item 10(f) Staff Report

NORTHWEST L.A. COUNTY: acceptance of donation of approximately 120 acres in San Martinez Canyon and approximately 28 acres near Oat Mountain, unincorporated Los Angeles County.
MRCA 11-6-24 Item VI(h) Staff Report


CHINO HILLS: corrective deed to GM Gabrych Family LP and Empire Communities LLC, consistent with Resolution No. 21-25 over purchase of 320 acres.
MRCA 10-2-24 Item VI(c) Staff Report

MONTECITO HEIGHTS 0.6 ACRE: grant application to the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District for Measure A funds to acquire approximately 0.6 acres, APNs 5303-014-043 and 044 in Montecito Heights, City of Los Angeles.
MRCA 10-2-24 Item VII(e) Staff Report

(editor's note:  this map shows an unusual geologic feature in the East L.A. area, which is a collection of uplifted hilltops that were cut and separated by rivers and creeks, known as a Thrust Fault. These separating creekbeds have mostly been developed. So the East L.A. Hilltops are islands of habitat in an urban sea. This collection of hilltop habitats could reconnect the Santa Monica, Verdugo and San Gabriel mountains with open spaces in Orange, Riverside and San Diego Counties.)


GRIFFITH PARK 0.1 acre: acceptance of APN 5580-018-024 on Carolus Drive, adjacent to Griffith Park, City of Los Angeles.
MRCA 11-6-24 Item VI(i) Staff Report

HOLLYWOOD HILLS 0.1 acre, acquire APN 5567-029-006 in Laurel Canyon, City of Los Angeles.
MRCA 10-2-24 Item VII(d) Staff Report

WEST MALIBU 46 acres north of "Party Rock" at Circle Ranch: acceptance of approximately 46 acres composed of APNs 694-0-181-170,180,190, 200, 220 and 230 and 694-0-210-655 in the Carlisle Canyon watershed, unincorporated Ventura County.
MRCA 11-6-24 Item VII(c) Staff Report

MALIBU 27 acres: acceptance of APN 4465-005-044 (approximately 27.5-acres), Ramirez Canyon, Unincorporated Los Angeles County.
MRCA 10-2-24 Item VI(f) Staff Report

Saturday, September 7, 2024


Late Summer L.A. Mountain Park Deals

covering park agency meetings by the MRCA: 8/7, 8/19,  9/4, 9/13, and SMMC:  9/16, 


three sisters rocks 60 acres, proposed purchase by Tataviam Land Conservancy (TLC)
APNs 3209-006-015 , 2014 and 2024 assessed values: $33,450/$42,467
and 3209-007-001, valued at $67,650, later $85,917
PROPOSAL: granting access easements over existing dirt roads to the Tataviam Land Conservancy over multiple Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority parcels in the Agua Dulce and Soledad Canyon watersheds located between Agua Dulce Canyon Road and APNs 3209-006-015 and 3209-007-001 know as the Three Sisters, unincorporated Los Angeles County. 
MRCA 8-7-24 Item VII(h) Staff Report

ABOUT THE BUYER: tataviam-nsn.us
TLC received 500 acre donation from Land Veritas 1/8/2024

Land Veritas, based in Sausalito, owns 2 mitigation banks in Calif,
300 acres Soquel canyon in Chino Hills
and 4236 acre Petersen Ranch in the Leona Valley and Elizabeth lake area. (only mitigation bank in LA County. See wra-ca.com )


SOUTH OF GORMAN/RIDGE ROUTE 45 acres: proposed development on an important 5 freeway underpass that functions as a wildlife crossing. Comment letter to the County of Los Angeles on the proposed Smokey Bear Road Commercial Development Project (PRJ2020-000699) in unincorporated Los Angeles County.
MRCA 8-7-24 Item VI(d) Staff Report. On a 44.7 acre site, apn: N 3250-020-007

"Smokey Bear Road is the only undercross in the approximate 7.2-mile stretch of I-5”, in the 45 mile 5- freeway corridor between the Grapevine and Castaic.

“Thus, MRCA recommends the Project proponent prepare alternative plans that buffer high-intensity development at least 500 feet from the property’s Smokey Bear Road and existing I-5 frontage road, Copco Avenue, as shown on the attached map. While this highintensity development would still severely impact wildlife connectivity across I-5 using Smokey Bear Road with additional vehicle traffic, noise and light pollution, trash, and reduced air quality, moving the proposed development north and away from Smokey Bear Road will reduce some of the worst impacts and provide critical line-of-sight views for wildlife to travel under I-5 and reduce the threat to wildlife and motorists from high-speed collisions on I-5. “

comment letter to the County of Los Angeles for the proposed Smokey Bear Road Commercial Development Project (PRJ2020-000699) to develop a wildlife corridor dispersal/collector property adjacent to the Smokey Bear Road undercross of Interstate 5 in unincorporated Los Angeles County. SMMC 9/16/2024

--The top priority for a crossing structure on I-5 is where Grapevine Creek crosses I-5 just south of Ft. Tejon State Park and Tejon Ranch Headquarters. The least cost corridors for puma, mule deer, and western gray squirrel cross the freeway here, and appropriate habitats occur for numerous other species. Grapevine Creek now crosses I-5 in a small box culvert, which should be replaced with a large bridged undercrossing. To maximize the utility of Grapevine Creek as a movement area, we recommend removal of several buildings of the Tejon Ranch Headquarters (two administrative buildings, about a dozen homes, and an old school), and the associated mile of Lebec Road. The area vacated by these buildings should be restored to native vegetation.
--Another priority area for improved crossing structures along I-5 is a 3-mile stretch south of the village of Gorman and north of the SR138 interchange. The least cost path of the Tehachapi pocket mouse crosses I-5 here, and suitable habitat occurs for several other focal species. The vegetation on the steep slopes appears to have been overgrazed and now lacks woody cover except in drainage bottoms; restoration or cessation of grazing domestic livestock would be needed. Four box culverts about 5 feet tall and wide are spaced one-half to 1 mile apart, and suggest locations for bridged undercrossings. Each culvert opens directly into Hungry Valley State Park on the west, and into Gorman Valley on the east. Alternatively, a vegetated land bridge may also be feasible in this area.


AGUA DULCE—SOLEDAD CANYON: comment letter to the County of Los Angeles for the proposed Spring Canyon Subdivision Project (Project No. 96-044-(5), Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 48086, and Environmental Assessment No. RPPL2018004166) to subdivide and develop approximately 548 acres of Spring Canyon adjacent to the City of Santa Clarita in unincorporated Los Angeles County. SMMC 9/16/2024

-- https://ceqanet.opr.ca.gov/1997031043/2
General Plan Conditional Use Permit, a zone change, and an Oak Tree Permit to allow the development of 542 single family, detached residential lots (211.4 acres); one fire station lot (3.2 acres); one sheriff substation lot (1.8 acres); two private park sites (18.0 acres); and three open space lots (279.4 acres).

APPROX. 550 acres, 495 homes
The planned Spring Canyon housing development is north of Highway 14 and Soledad Canyon Road, between Shadow Pines Boulevard and Agua Dulce Canyon Road.



VERDUGO MTS: acquire the approximately 33-acre Mountain Oaks property in the Verdugo Mountains. MRCA 8-7-24 Item VII(e) Staff Report
(a) entering into a grant agreement with the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District to acquire the approximately 33-acre Mountain Oaks property, (b) adopting a Youth Employment Plan, and (c) acquiring the property composed of 100 assessor parcel numbers in the City of Glendale, Verdugo Mountains. MRCA 8-7-24 Item VII(f) Staff Report


ALTADENA: Consideration of resolution endorsing the Conservancy's Owen Brown gravesite property (APN 5863-003-004) for inclusion in the National Underground Railway Networks to Freedom program, Altadena, unincorporated Los Angeles County. SMMC 9/16/2024



SIMI VALLEY, 7.6 acres: Comment letter to the City of Simi Valley for the proposed Simi Pak Industrial Project (CUP-S-2023-0004) to develop a wildlife corridor dispersal/collector property in Alamos Canyon, Simi Valley. SMMC 9/16/2024
APN 579015005



HOLLYWOOD HILLS: acquire APN 5567-029-006 in Laurel Canyon, City of Los Angeles. MRCA 8-7-24 Item VII(g) Staff Report


HOLLYWOOD HILLS: acceptance of conservation easements on APNs 5556-022-002, 003, and 004 (1800, 1806, 1812, and 1818 Crisler Way), and authorizing a non-opposition agreement with the property owner for the development of a single-family residence, upper Sunset Plaza, City of Los Angeles.
MRCA 9-4-24 Item VI(d) Staff Report


BROAD BEACH: acceptance of the offers to dedicate public lateral access easements associated with the following Los Angeles County Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 4470-017-066, 4470-017-067, Broad Beach (CDP # 4-93-086); 4450-008-048, Las Flores Beach (CDP # 5-83-399), City of Malibu.
MRCA 9-4-24 Item VI(j) Staff Report


ESCONDIDO CANYON: Consideration of resolution authorizing temporary use of certain reserved funds to acquire Coastal Slope Trail properties, APNs 4460-003-015 and 4460-014-006, (approximately 3.96 Acres), Escondido Canyon, City of Malibu.
9-13-24 Item V(a) Staff Report


WEST MALIBU--MANSDORF: sale of a portion of Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority’s undivided partial interest in the Deer Creek Beach property (approximately 1109 acres, to the National Park Service, located in eastern Ventura County
MRCA 8-19-24 Item V(a) Staff Report

sale of Deer Creek Beach property to include APN 700-0-010-490 for a total of 1241.5 acres, to the National Park Service, located in eastern Ventura County.
9-13-24 Item VI(b) Staff Report



EAST LA: Consideration of resolution authorizing a grant application to the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District for Measure A funds to acquire approximately 1 acre at Elephant Hill, City of Los Angeles.
MRCA 9-4-24 Item VII(c) Staff Report – Pdf

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

SMMC-MRCA June-July 2024

161 Acres in L.A. Parks Loop Is Officially Ours

from agendas for SMMC/MRCA MEETINGs for 6/5, 6/17/, 7/10 and 7/15/2024


SIMI HILLS: acceptance of APN 649-0-010-140 (approximately 1.0 acre), Woolsey Canyon, unincorporated Ventura County. Between Joncich and Mobile Home parks
MRCA 7-10-24 Item VI(i) Staff Report

SIMI HILLS (TO 6 ACRES RETAINED BY JONCICH): granting a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress and incidental purposes over APN 649-0-010-415 to benefit APN 649-0-010-405, Woolsey Canyon watershed, unincorporated Ventura County.
MRCA 7-10-24 Item VI(n) Staff Report

SIMI HILLS, 6 ACRES NEAR ROSCOE BLVD: acceptance of portions of APNs 2017-026-012 and 013 (approximately 6.16 acres), Dayton Canyon, City of Los Angeles.
MRCA 7-10-24 Item VI(l) Staff Report



STUDIO CITY, 0.04 acre: acceptance of donation of APNs 5549-006-018 and 5549-007-018 and 019 (0.04 acres), 7209 Mulholland Drive, City of Los Angeles.
MRCA 6-5-24 Item VII(m) Staff Report

LAUREL CANYON, 0.2 acres: comment letter to the City of Los Angeles Mayor and Board of Public Works to sustain four-year building permit moratorium for tree-cutting without a permit, on 8461 Grand View Drive, Laurel Canyon, City of Los Angeles. MRCA 6-5-24 Item VII(n) Staff Report
SMMC 6-17-24 Item 9(c) Staff Report

BEVERLY GLEN, 0.42 acres: acceptance of conservation easements over APNs 4371-037-011, 012, 013, and 014 (approximately 0.42 acres), Beverly Glen Canyon, City of Los Angeles.
MRCA 7-10-24 Item VI(h) Staff Report

LAUREL CANYON: acquisition of 2.4-acre Laurel Springs property
MRCA 7-10-24 Item VI(m) Staff Report


AGOURA: easement agreement with Southern California Edison for utilities work on Vendell Road related to the Annenberg Wildlife Crossing.
MRCA 6-5-24 Item VII(p) Staff Report


comment letter to the California High-Speed Rail Authority on the Final EIR/EIS for the Palmdale to Burbank 30-mile segment.
MRCA 6-5-24 Item VII(o) Staff Report

SMMC 6-17-24 Item 9(b) Staff Report



TUJUNGA, UNDER 1 ACRE: acceptance of a donation of APN 2552-003-003, approximately .001 acres, along Big Tujunga Canyon Road, Big Tujunga Canyon watershed, City of Los Angeles.
MRCA 7-10-24 Item VI(o) Staff Report

VERDUGO MTS, 10 ACRES, near Beaudry loop trail: acceptance of APN 5630-026-006, City of Glendale. MRCA 7-10-24 Item VI(p) Staff Report

ALTADENA, 5.6 ACRES: acceptance of Owen Brown Gravesite Property (APNs 5863-003-004, 5863-003-009 and 5863-003-010) in Altadena, from developer of La Vina housing tract
SMMC 6-17-24 Item 9(d) Staff Report



NEWHALL PASS, 31 ACRES: comment letter to the City of Santa Clarita on the Environmental Impact Report for the Wiley Canyon Mixed-Use Project SCH No. 2022030626, City of Santa Clarita.
SMMC 7-15-24 Item 10(d) Staff Report


????? acceptance of easements in connection with acquisitions funded by the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. MRCA 6-5-24 Item VII(d) Staff Report

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